Thursday, December 01, 2005

Kindy birthday party

What a day. It started out with a kindergarten birthday party. Once every two months our school does this for the kids who have birthdays in those months. It is sooo extravagant. The birthday boys and girls dress up in their special occasion gear, called hanbok. They are then seated at the front of the playroom at a long table, kinda like a head table at a wedding. The table is filled with decadent food, like cake, gimbap (Korean version of sushi with ham, cheese and vegetables in it) fried chicken, and pizza (did I mention that Korean pizza has corn and sweet potatoes on it?) so anyway, these kids are sitting behind this table with crowns on while their classmates come up and place gifts in bins at their feet. They look like the royal court! Can't wait to see what they do for my birthday (ha ha)! After all of their classmates sing happy birthday to each and every one of them, the birthday kids have to perform in front of their 40 or so classmates (mind you, these kids are 4 and 5 years old). They get up and sing a song or do a dance. Sooo cute.

All in all, I really like playing with the kids and have no problem loving them outside of class. It's during class that it's a problem. My 2 kindergarten classes a day are by far the most frustrating part of my day. They don't listen, and did I mention, they especially don't want to work or learn English? It's like talking to several brick walls. I look away for one second and 2 of them are crying, while another two are hitting each other or pasting themselves to their workbook. And yet another is eating an eraser or cutting their hair with their scissors (yes, that really happened). Boy, it's fun. But here are some cute pictures that make everything ok.

Did I mention I found a grey hair?


Blogger Luke said...


I've had gray hairs for years.

12:47 AM  

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